so if you were to create a phone unit of your own, what will it be called and what would e the features of it.? mine would be...... of course a qwerty, with candybar form factor, which will be included in the xpressmusic line. hehehe with wifi... and a whole lot more. heheh what's yours?
i know it's been a long time since i posted a new post, because i told my self i wont be posting anything until i have my nokia e63. unfortunately, i still dont have it, but anyways... let me just update you of how i've spent these past few days, my dad came back from japan. and brought home a new NEO netbook, which im using right now. i think it's fun because i dont have to fight with my sis if i wantto use the internet because we now have to pcs. hehehhe. im not thinking of the e63 right now... because i have a strong feeling that there will be a new unit that will standout to e63. heheh that would be a nokia, of course,, hehehe..i dont want t o take risks anymore by using other brands,. just like what happened on my motorola L7i... heheh ciao for now.